New for 2024
Walking Club
A monthly walk is envisaged to enable members and guests to discover the beauty of The Lot and surrounding area, and exchanging conversation in both French and English. The distance of walks should be around 10/12 kms. A medical certificate is obligatory.
All communications will be dealt with by Julia Hall at ; this will be the method of communicating the date, walk, map and instructions. So brush off those walking boots and contact Julia as soon as possible if you would like to join the group.
T shirts available, 5 euros each, contact Julia.
The Bulletin
Information on forthcoming events is printed in the quarterly Bulletin sent to all members in February, May, August and November.
Members may submit small ads (for publication in a single language)
Events calendar
Future Events:
31st August. Gardening Group – Visit to Le Jardin de Laroque, 82700
3rd September. Art in Deepest France, Frayssinet-le-Gelat.
19th September. Visit to La Grange-Musée Pierre Andrés, Villesèque 46090
27th September. Film “Now it can be told” + Devonshire tea. Cahors
27th September. Rando Group – Towpath Walk, Bouzies. Cancelled
11th October. Visit to Puy l’Evêque. 46700
15th November. Poetry afternoon. Venue TBA
TBA. Visit to the Grottes de Lascaux
Recent events
31st May. Visit to the Ferme des Alix, Rocamadour. 46500 and then the Moulin à Huile Castagne, Martel 46600
15th June. Visit to Gabaudet, Issendolus. 46500
28th June. Language workshop members lunch, Le CAP180, Cieurac. 46230
28th June (Rescheduled) Rando Group – 8.6km Walk, Starting at the Church in Concores. 46310
2nd July. Gardening Group – Visit to Domain de Malmont, Belfort de Quercy. 46230
25th July. Gardening Group – Visit to Les Jardins de Martel. 81500
31 July. Special FGB event – Talent showcase, Cahors