FGB Quercy


FGB Quercy

France-Grande Bretagne

The Association France-Grande Bretagne

Who we are

The Association France-Grande-Bretagne was founded in 1916 during the First World War.

Today there are 34 branches with some 4000 members throughout France.

FGB Quercy was founded in June 1976. It has 250 members of many different nationalities.

It is run by volunteers, offering opportunities for friendly exchanges and meetings and the following activities:

  • Language ateliers (French and English) at different levels
  • Cultural outings, talks (often bilingual)
  • Bilingual evenings or afternoons (quizzes, belote, poetry, music or even pétanque)
  • A Gardening Group with Visits and Workshops
  • A lending library ( most books are in English)
  • A Rando/Walking Group in the countryside
  • Join our Choir!

Our membership fee is 20€ for a single person and 35€ for a family.

We look forward to welcoming you as a member soon.

For more information please contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Patricia (Trish) Milton
Email: president@fgbquercy.com


We welcome new members. You can join online here or membership form can be downloaded here.

Our Address

Room/Salle 22 Espace Clément Marot, Cahors
To find us:  Click here